Thursday, 13 October 2016


Image Sourced from:
During our research we have learned that out of 3 million young people in the UK, 50% have been bullied in the past year and 19% of them were bullied every day. Shockingly 12% of young people even admit to bullying somebody every day although 24% of those who have been bullied go on to bully someone else, a vicious cycle. A third of victims of bullying admit to suicidal thoughts and 41% suffer from social anxiety whilst 44% experience depression.

"I never think about them during the day. I feel like I'm over it - but they still appear in my dreams." 

After reading these statistics we realised bullying is a lot more common than we are led to believe and comes in many forms, but also the frequency of the long lasting psychological effects that it can have on the victims, inducing depression, anxiety, PTSD and even suicidal thoughts, are as much a part of bullying as the black eyes and cruel private messages.

"Only people who lived through being targeted often by bullies in childhood can truly understand what a traumatic experience it is." -Barbara Lermer

Bullying doesn't begin and end in the school yard and can happen throughout life and even into the workplace. With the introduction of social media into the mix cyberbullying has become a far more accessible pass time for many of today's young people that can rest easy knowing their bullying escapades are anonymous as 65% of young people admit to having been the victim of cyberbullying.

"I have dreams in which I get into violent arguments or fights with some of the bullies... I guess it's my personal way to deal with my past." -Laura Montero

The psychological effects of bullying can often outlast the actual bullying, even causing nightmares years afterwards for many of the victims. After much thought we have decided to move forward with the idea of focusing the animation on the many psychological effects bullying has on it's victims.

These statistics were gathered from Ditch The Label's Annual Bullying Survey 2016. (

Quotes from Anonymous, Barbara Lermer and Laura Montero sourced from:

-Darrell and Lois

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